NZ urges long-term peaceful solution in Sri Lanka

Tuesday 26 May 2009, 7:33PM

By Murray McCully


Finding a long-term peaceful solution that benefits all the people of Sri Lanka is crucial now that nearly three decades of fighting is over, Foreign Minister Murray McCully said today.

"The end of 26 years of conflict between the Sri Lankan Army and the Tamil Tigers is to be welcomed. However if a long-term, durable peace is to be secured, there must be reconciliation with the Tamil people, and political participation for all Sri Lankan minorities," Mr McCully said.

"The immediate focus must also be on helping and protecting the many thousands of civilians who have been displaced during the conflict, and are now living in makeshift camps.

"Even with the fighting now over, it is imperative that international aid agencies are allowed in to the former conflict zone to help the displaced and injured, and that urgently-needed supplies of food, water and medicine are allowed through to those who need it," Mr McCully said.