Icy Water Heartstopping

Saturday 30 May 2009, 8:53AM

By Tararua District Council



Plunging into an 8 degrees Centigrade pool spiked with ice recently was a heart stopping experience for Tararua’s departing sport co-ordinator Pip Hubbard.

As part of Heart Kids Week, Pip and other colleagues from Manawatu took part in this year’s Heart Stopper Challenge in which teams jumped into a pool of icy cold water for five minutes.
The icy challenge which slows down metabolism is symbolic of what happens to children having open heart surgery.
“It was unbelievably cold, my feet were numb within 10 seconds,” Pip recalled.

About $20,000 was raised by the event.
Pip who took up her role as Tararua sport co-ordinator two years ago is moving to Melbourne.
Replacing her is Natarsha Nikora from Dannevirke.