Kiwi film-makers offering $100 war bonds to help produce film
A Kiwi film company, Earthwire Productions is offering to the public ‘war bonds’ to help produce a full length movie about the war-time experiences and subsequent repatriation of a New Zealand world war 2 soldier.
Earthwire Productions have publicly issued a maximum of 100 $100 bonds to help make the film, Journey of a Story.
In return, supporters will receive a personalised signed and numbered war bond certificate (similar in style issued by the Government during both world wars), a free DVD of the film and their name will appear on the movie's credits.
Filming will be predominately in the North Island and will rely on a volunteer crew of 12 and a cast of approximately 60.
``We are actively seeking funding to make this film. Most of the expense is involved in equipment hire, locations, food, accommodation and crew costs.”
Journey of a Story follows the life of William Brown, a New Zealand serviceman both physically and emotionally damaged by his tour of duty in Europe and time as a prisoner of war during world war 2. Returning home, William finds a very different world to the one he left behind until a War Pension medical officer convinces William to take up writing. Fuelled with a new passion for life, William finally finds a road to success, in ways he could not possibly imagine.
The script is based on Kay Rayner’s knowledge and personal memories of her late father’s time as a prisoner of war. However, the plot has been changed for creative purposes.
``I will be co-directing the film with my daughter Chantal. This will be my first experience directing, a challenge I am really looking forward to. I am passionate about having this story told as a lot of New Zealanders will be able to relate to the film's central themes. The script has been written by Chantal and her husband Jonathon. Jonathon will also produce.’’
In early 2009, Earthwire Productions short film Return came runner-up in the TV3 ‘Set to Screen’ film competition.