Workers should be very afraid

Labour Party

Wednesday 3 June 2009, 3:26PM

By Labour Party


Workers should be very, very afraid about the Government’s decision to review the Holidays Act given its track record to date, says the Labour Party’s Labour Spokesperson Trevor Mallard.

“We’ve already had the 90 Day ‘fire at will’ law, the abolishment of the Department of Labour’s Pay and Employment Equity Unit, confirmation ACC entitlements will be lost, and the slashing of nearly 1500 public sector jobs - with more to come.

“We’ve also had a pitiful increase in the minimum wage and National voting down a Labour Bill to protect contractors by guaranteeing them the minimum wage – while at the same time deciding to pay its own ‘purchase advisers’ up to $2000 a day,” said Trevor Mallard.

“Now we have a review of the Holidays Act. Of particular concern is the proposal to consider allowing workers to cash in their annual leave.

“National has always argued that employees should be able to cash in their annual leave, but has consistently ignored the fact that employees on low pay or under pressure from employers would struggle to say no to their bosses.

“The same ‘free choice’ misnomer was used as the rationale behind the 90 ‘fire at will’ law.

"Further, as a long time National Party board member and lawyer for the party, Peter Kiely is not an independent appointment to the working group and it is disappointing that he will chair it."

“Workers should be worried. The Government’s track record after just six months in office is proof of why,” Trevor Mallard says.