Influenza A (H1N1) Swine Flu - Update Fifty-eight

Ministry of Health

Thursday 4 June 2009, 9:05AM

By Ministry of Health


The cumulative total of confirmed cases in New Zealand remains at 10. The cumulative total of probable cases also remains at 10.

Passengers in the immediate vicinity of the new confirmed case who was aboard Flight NZ1, which arrived in Auckland from North America on 31 May 2009, have been contacted. These passengers were in the two rows in front of and the two rows behind the case as well as the row the case was sitting in. The case is in isolation at home and is being treated with Tamiflu.

There are currently 51 suspected cases, up from 27 yesterday. The numbers of suspected cases fluctuate as more people with symptoms arriving from affected areas are assessed (treated and isolated), and as laboratory testing rules out some suspected cases.

There are 54 people in isolation or quarantine and being treated with Tamiflu. This is up from 23 on 29 May, when the last update on this number was given. The numbers of people in isolation vary according to when they complete 72 hours of the five-day course of Tamiflu.

We are watching with concern the rapid increase in the number of confirmed cases in Australia, particularly in the state of Victoria. The continuing rise in the number of overseas cases notified to the World Health Organization and the sudden increase in the number of confirmed cases in our closest neighbour make it increasingly difficult to keep influenza A (H1N1) out of New Zealand.

International Update from the World Health Organization

As of 06:00 GMT, 1 June 2009, 62 countries have officially reported 17,410 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection, including 115 deaths.

The breakdown of the number of laboratory-confirmed cases by country is given on the WHO website. (

Updates on the Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak are available on the WHO website on a regular basis (