Greens want national clinical standards for ambulances

Green Party

Thursday 4 June 2009, 6:51PM

By Green Party


The Green Party today welcomed the Government’s confirmation that there will be new funding for the ambulance sector.

The Government confirmed that a total of $48 million, allocated by the previous government, has been set aside for new ambulance initiatives. These initiatives include new funding for paramedics and more money for the air ambulance sector.

“It is great to see that National has rolled over the funding for new ambulance initiatives, but to see real change in this struggling sector it is vital that national clinical standards and a national training programme are set up,” said Green Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley today.

“It is absolutely essential for patient safety that we have mandatory double crewing when ambulances respond to emergencies, and now there is funding for extra paramedics this issue needs to be addressed as a priority.

“It is also critical that we move to regulate paramedics under the Health Practitioners Competency Act. Paramedics are frontline health professionals and should be regulated and supported as such,” said Ms Kedgley.