Regional Council Purchase to Show Land Use
Hawke's Bay Regional Council has purchased the Mantel-Harding property near Lake Tutira for the competitive price of $1.31 million.
Council was the successful bidder at Thursday’s auction of the 316 hectare property north of Napier, and will use the land not only to provide more open space for Hawke’s Bay people to enjoy, but also as a demonstrator block for best practice in land management.
This eroded hill country land is in an ideal location to add to other local holdings with biodiversity, conservation and recreation values – Lake Tutira Country Park, Tangoio Soil Conservation Reserve, Guthrie Smith Arboretum, Boundary Stream and Lake Opouahi.
“The purchase provides an opportunity for Council to demonstrate sustainable land use, as at present the land is severely eroded; it also contributes to a developing green corridor in northern Hawke’s Bay,” said Council Chief Executive Andrew Newman.
“We will also look at the potential to develop pathways and access points for the public to use and enjoy this public asset,” said Mr Newman.
Much of the land is steep and highly erodible (class VIIe) and will need to be planted to halt erosion and improve streams and other waterways.
“Council can develop this block to achieve erosion control, to improve the land and water ways. Plus the land is visible from State Highway 2 so people will see great changes over time,” said Cr Ewan McGregor.
The property is viable for commercial forestry and accessible for felling, so it will offer Council a future return for both timber sale and carbon trading. It will form part of the Council’s forestry investment portfolio.