Freeze catches drivers
A number of minor accidents on Malaghan’s Road, one on Littles Road and another on the Cardrona Road this morning have signalled the need to drive to the winter conditions in the Queenstown Lakes District, QLDC roading manager Ian Marshall said.
After heavy rain and slightly warmer temperatures in the Wakatipu Basin this morning, drivers were taken by surprise with a snap freeze after 8am that lasted for at least two hours.
“A grit truck was in the location of Malaghan’s Road at the time and three more were deployed as soon as the situation became clear,” Mr Marshall said. Gritting was also underway on Littles Road when the grit truck was hit by another vehicle. None of the accidents appeared to be serious.
Unfortunately flashing warning lights and grit trucks were not enough to deter some drivers.
“Our contractor has reported people ignoring the warning signals and over taking them at speed,’ Mr Marshall said.
The ‘late freeze’ phenomenon was something that could occur in the area at any time but generally occurred only three or four times each winter.
“We cannot have grit trucks in all places at all times so the onus needs to be with drivers to use their own judgement,” Mr Marshall said.
It was time for the message to sink in.
“This is winter, if grit trucks are operating and lights are flashing then it should trigger a reaction in people to take their foot off the metal and exercise extreme caution,” Mr Marshall said.
Slowing down and taking a few extra minutes could avoid putting anybody at risk, writing off a morning, a day, a vehicle or worse somebody else’s vehicle.