Ministry for the Environment RMA Survey 2007/2008

Waitaki District Council

Thursday 11 June 2009, 4:30PM

By Waitaki District Council



The Ministry for the Environment conducts a Resource Management Act survey every two years with the assistance of local authorities. The survey provides a benchmark against which changes in performance of councils can be measured. Planning processes are surveyed, including resource consent application processing, timeliness, charges, good practice, monitoring, compliance, complaints, enforcement, Maori participation, plan changes and variations. Waitaki District Council participated in this survey.


Nearly 52,000 resource consents were processed nationally between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2008. Of these, Waitaki District Council processed 157 consents, up from 144 the previous survey period (2005/06). Of the total number of consents, the Council notified 5.1%, which is slightly higher than the national average of 4.7%. We were second equal for processing our consents on time, achieving 99% for the survey period. This is above our target of 80% and the national average of 70%. When we process consents, we seek further information from just under a quarter of these. This is below the national average of 43%, indicating a good standard of consent applications we receive.


Across New Zealand, average charges for non-notified consents range from $860-$1240, whereas notified consents may average between $7,150 and $23,930. Our charges fall within these figures, often ending up lower on average.


The next survey will cover 2010-2011 and is intended to capture the effects of changes to be introduced by the Resource Management (Simplifying and Streamlining) Amendment Bill, which is due to come into effect later this year.


A summary of the survey is available at the Council’s main office and the full report can be viewed there also. Further information is also available on the Ministry’s website: