Further Air Quality Submissions Opportunity
There is an opportunity for people to make further submissions on the Hawke's Bay Regional Council’s proposed air quality rule changes.
The Council received 195 submissions on the proposed rule changes by the 30 March deadline. Council staff have prepared a summary of the decisions requested in these submissions, and these are now open to further submission until Tuesday 14 July at 5 pm.
Anyone may make a further submission, even if they didn’t make a submission previously. However at this stage, submissions can only support or oppose part or all of an original submission.
The summary of decisions requested is available on Council’s website www.hbrc.govt.nz, or can be read at all public libraries in the region and at Hawke's Bay Regional Council, 159 Dalton Street, Napier. Full copies of the original submissions can also be viewed at the Council’s Dalton St , Napier office.
Further submissions must be made on Council’s Further Submission Form, which is on the Council’s website or available on request, and lodged with the Council by the due date and time.
A Council Committee will consider all submissions and further submissions in September before making decisions.
A separate number of submissions regarding funding and rates proposals was heard and considered last week at Council’s Ten Year Plan meetings.