Priority given to Wanaka sports facility
The Queenstown Lakes District Council will be asked to adopt the 10-Year Plan on June 30, with funding to develop an indoor sports facility and hard court area, for the Upper Clutha Community commencing 2011, QLDC Mayor Clive Geddes said.
“This has been the subject of a major consultation process that has been ongoing over several years, culminating in the 10-Year Plan consultation,’ Mr Geddes said.
The council received 739 submissions on the Wanaka aquatic centre/sports facilities and fields, a significant number. “The majority were, in general, supportive of the proposal, however the Council also received a number of submissions requesting the proposal be deferred or in part deferred,” Mr Geddes said.
As a result of the submission and hearing process, the council had deliberated and would be asked to adopt a revised plan to:
- request a technical assessment of greenfields sites before choosing between one of these sites and the A and P Grounds proposal (some work will be done to explore the cost of keeping the camp functioning as a ‘kiwi camp’);
- include a provisional capital sum in 2009/10 for the purchase of a greenfields site if selected.
- support the proposed format of the aquatic centre but defer the aquatic centre for 10-15 years, due to the current economic climate and a recent report that the current facility can continue to operate at an affordable cost (after some improvements in air handling and floor surfaces);
- investigate investing in some internal facility enhancement on the existing pool, including the possible creation of a learners pool for inclusion in the 2010/11 Annual Plan (a sum of $305,000 has been provided in 2009/10 for remedial work);
- confirm that an indoor sports facility is the priority and commence development of a stadium and hard court area (with provision for an aquatic centre footprint) in year 3 of the 10-Year Plan (2011).
“In the current economic climate this is a way forward that will give the communities of Upper Clutha a facility that it does not have at present and maintain an existing resource (current pool) until such time as a new aquatic centre is realistic and affordable,” Mr Geddes said.
In particular the council wished to express its thanks to the Wanaka and Upper Clutha Communities for their contribution to community working parties, submissions and comments. “The process was extremely valuable and greatly assisted the council,” Mr Geddes said.