Nats polytech funding blow puts education into reverse gear

Friday 26 June 2009, 2:55PM

By Alliance Party


The Alliance Party of New Zealand says the National Government's funding freeze on polytechnic's is an "ignorant policy that will lead to an ignorant society."

Education Minister Anne Tolley says there is no more money to fund extra places in polytechnics during the recession.

Alliance Party education spokesperson Richard Mitchell, who is a IT graduate from Otago Polytech, says the National Government is a disaster for education.

"Polytechnics are providing the kind of technical, skill based and industry-focussed education that is vital for the New Zealand society and economy, as well as for the intrinsic benefits of an educated people."

“Polytechnics play a core role in offering tertiary education to New Zealand and should be expanded, not put into reverse gear”.

Mr Mitchell says the "bidding war" between National and Labour on tax cuts at the last election was now being revealed as the mistake it was.

"We are left with the situation where the education of the next generation is in jeopardy due to the two main parties in New Zealand pandering to tax cuts for the wealthy."

Mr Mitchell says New Zealanders have a right to tertiary education.

The Alliance Party of New Zealand would introduce a fully funded tertiary education that would ensure Tertiary Education Institutions were funded appropriately, paid for by progressive taxation.