Government invests in parents

Friday 3 July 2009, 9:04AM

By Paula Bennett


More than half a million dollars is to be invested around the country in the parents of pre-schoolers, says the Minister for Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett.

She's today announced $690,666 in funding for 27 community initiatives working with parents.

It's part of the government's latest funding round of its Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents (SKIP) Local Initiative Fund.

"This SKIP Fund supports communities to explore new ways to promote positive parenting. That can include practical tips for parents on how to handle the everyday challenges encountered when raising small children," Ms Bennett says.

"We had over 60 applications for this latest funding round, and it's been great to see such a diverse range of community initiatives across the country.

"Some of these projects cross cultures - we have ones which work with Maori, Pacific, Sudanese and Chinese parents, as well as parenting support for dads, step-dads, solo parents, teen parents and grandparents.

"This Local Initiatives Fund encourages participation in SKIP by building on the strengths of communities and encouraging local leadership in collaboration. It supports many projects - but the central theme is the same: positive parenting," Ms Bennett says.

For further information about SKIP, please visit