Arts and Culture Centre Project decision

Whakatane District Council

Monday 6 July 2009, 2:05PM

By Whakatane District Council



Whakatane District Council has included $3.25 million in the 2009/10 year to provide for improved library and museum facilities.

The Council however, didn’t make a definite decision as to where these facilities will be located and require staff to undertake further investigations of the options of retrofitting the buildings suggested by submitters i.e. the Niederer Plaza (Farmers Buildings) and the Briscoe’s building.

Whakatane Mayor, Colin Holmes said the Council recognised that a long term solution was required to remedy the critical situations in the library and museum in terms of the space shortages, environmental controls and appropriate facilities.

“We also heard from a number of submitters about their desire for better facilities for the library, museum and gallery and the Council has been looking at this issue for a number of years now. It is important that we maintain the momentum we have but ensure that the final solution is good value for the community.”

The existing museum building will be developed into an archive and storage facility with research facilities.

The Council deferred a decision on the development of an integrated cultural, environmental and tourism centre (Whakatane Centre) until the next LTCCP. The Council made no budget provisions to progress this project over the next three years.

The project budgets have been moved into 2012/13 to 2015/16 to reflect the decision to reconsider this project in the 2012/22 Long-term Council Community Plan