Outrage over rejected submission
A Papakura resident has had her submission on the proposed Supercity rejected by the Select Committee.
Mayor Calum Penrose says he was contacted at the weekend by a resident who had received a rejection letter from the Select Committee. The Committee said her submission did not address matters contained in the Bill and thus would not be considered.
“This person made the effort to make a submission. She had asked to be heard in support of her submission. Her submission was in favour of retaining local democracy, on issues of financial accountability and on retaining local identity, all matters contained in the Bill. The wording might not have been in the style of the Bill, but it addressed the issues. We want to know exactly why the Committee thinks these matters are outside the scope of the Bill, because the Council’s submission also covers these matters.”
Mr Penrose said he would be concerned if submissions were being rejected on issues of style or language. The local submitters Mr Penrose has spoken to are “good people, genuinely concerned about Papakura losing its identity and about the effect of the Supercity on communities across Auckland”.
“We would like to know if others in the District have also had their submissions rejected and if so on what grounds, because we are determined to advocate on behalf of the people of the District.”
There did not seem to be any process for appeal when a submission is rejected
“This is just unacceptable, a slap in the face. The Government has always said that people could have their say through the Select Committee process. Where is that commitment now?”
Mr Penrose said he will be writing to Associate Local Government Minister John Carter, who chairs the Select Committee, and to local MP Judith Collins, asking them to investigate how submissions are evaluated and why submissions which address matters contained in the Bill are apparently being rejected.
“The message I get is that that the Select Committee apparently does not care what Aucklanders think about this crucial Bill. I am calling for all Papakura residents who understand what is at stake to talk to MP Judith Collins, email the Minister of Local Government or the Prime Minister. Make a noise about this abuse of power before it is too late.”