Critical social services seek access to new fund

Wednesday 8 July 2009, 8:22AM

By Paula Bennett


There's been considerable interest in the first funding round of the Community Response Fund, says the Minister for Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett.

The first of three funding rounds for the financial year closed on July 3 with 294 applications received.

The Community Response Fund is making up to $40 million available in the 09/10 year to assist critical social support service organisations facing cost and demand pressures.

"The response has been predictable for this time of year. We know many social service providers will be waiting to see what will happen with their applications to philanthropic and charitable trusts. The Community Response Fund was designed to directly meet the needs of those organisations facing a funding crisis or a significant increase in demand for their services," Ms Bennett says.

Around a third of applications to the 12 regional panels have come from the Auckland region. Most of the applications have been made on the basis the organisations are experiencing a funding crisis and an increase in demand.

"That tells us we're on the right track with this Fund. We know organisations are feeling the squeeze, and we're determined to support them and the valuable work they do in our communities," Ms Bennett says.

Applications will be considered by regional panels at the end of July, and decisions are expected to be announced in August.