Coach Promotion Month is here!
Sport Manawatu is seeking stories from coaches for their annual coach promotion month, running throughout the month of July.
Sport Manawatu, in conjunction with Hotel Coachman, are launching their annual Coach Promotion month and want to hear coaching stories for the ‘Hotel Coachman Best Coaching Achievement Story’.
“What we are after is any and all stories from volunteer coaches in the region” says Ben Valentine, Sport Manawatu’s CoachForce Coordinator. “The stories can range from why they coach; what they enjoy about coaching; any funny tales they have from their coaching; or any successes they have had while coaching, whether it be coaching a player to representative honours, or teaching little Jimmy how to kick a ball. What ever their story is, big or small, we want to hear them all!”
The winner of the Hotel Coachman Best Coaching Achievement Story will win a night for two at Hotel Coachman, followed by breakfast for two at La Patio Café at Hotel Coachman, along with a $100 Rebel Sport Voucher.
Matthew Jeanes, Sales Manager at Hotel Coachman sees the positive spin-offs of Hotel Coachman extending their relationship with Sport Manawatu “The Hotel Coachman Best Coaching Achievement Story is a great chance to acknowledge the immense work coaches do in our region. We see this is a continuation of our support to community sport, having recently been involved with sponsoring both YoungHeart Manawatu and the Jets franchises.”
Along with the main prize supplied by Hotel Coachman, every coach who sends in their story will also have the chance to win one of three $50 Rebel Sport vouchers. To enter, go on to the Sport Manawatu website, and click the Online Competitions page to find the online link, or email your story directly to