Is Biosecurity NZ becoming Insecurity NZ

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Wednesday 8 July 2009, 1:45PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers is concerned that the 60 positions being cut from Biosecurity NZ could do more harm than good.

“Federated Farmers fundamentally doesn’t believe cutting staff at Biosecurity NZ, particularly experienced front line staff, is in national interest,” says John Hartnell, Federated Farmers Biosecurity spokesperson.

“Most New Zealanders would be shocked to learn that 541,260 sea containers are never physically inspected at the point of entry into New Zealand. That’s 93 percent of all sea containers not to mention what comes by bulk freighter.

“While Biosecurity NZ may contend that it is an acceptable level of risk, the fact is that one in four of the 40,750 containers physically inspected in 2008, contained a biosecurity risk to this country.

“Biosecurity NZ may further say that they undertake risk profiling, but with over half a million containers never physically inspected we have no real appreciation of the risk. All it takes is one container to ruin our economy.

“The Southern Saltmarsh mosquito and the Painted Apple Moth didn’t walk here, but hitched a lift by sea costing us all tens of millions of dollars to eradicate.

“It’s the same with the aggressive and invasive Argentine ant that’s now endemic. Better inspection at the border could have prevented this pest, one of the world’s 100 worst invasive species, from becoming established in New Zealand in the first place.

“Forget clean and green, being disease free is New Zealand’s real trump card when it comes to market access.

“New Zealand’s treasured market access on biosecurity grounds results from not having the nasties found elsewhere. That’s already being challenged daily by the amount being imported, let alone by cutting staff in the one area where we need heightened vigilance.

“What we are putting at risk is the $25 billion in exports that come from agricultural sector. The Reserve Bank models for two economic cataclysms, one is a major earthquake and the other is foot and mouth disease.

“I just hope this isn’t Biosecurity NZ robbing Peter to pay Paul, by taking money out of front line biosecurity to prop up any cost overrun on its proposed national animal identification scheme, called NAIT. Federated Farmers wants firm assurances about that.

“After the massive ocean moat around New Zealand, border surveillance is the last line of defence we have.

“Biosecurity is vitally important to all New Zealanders but the thin brown line at Biosecurity NZ has just got a lot thinner. You don’t appreciate what you’ve got until you lose it and as a country, we can’t afford to lose control of biosecurity,” concluded Mr Hartnell.