New funding option for community organisations
A $300,000 fund has been established by the Far North District Council to provide funding assistance to voluntary or non-profit organisations engaged in projects with direct benefits for local communities.
To be known as the Community Fund, the new facility merges a number of former funding sources into a single account to be allocated through the district's three Community Boards.
It replaces the grants and donations previously available through arts, cultural, sports, conservation, heritage, amenities and Mayoral discretionary funds which were disbanded as part of the council's Long Term Council Community Plan review this year.
Applications for assistance from the Community Fund will be considered by each Community Board as part of their normal monthly meeting agenda. Applications for funding should be lodged with Community Boards rather than the Council and will remain open each year until available funding has been expended.
In allocating funds the boards will favour applications which deliver new facilities for communities, promote events or programmes which have identifiable community benefits or promote community well-being. Emphasis will be placed on projects which demonstrate elements of self-help, have a strong local identity and local input and where council seed funding is likely to attract assistance from other external funding sources.
Communications Officer Rick McCall said today the council wanted to provide a fund through which communities would receive "the best bang for their buck." However resources were limited and the allocation of grants would be on a first in, first served basis.
"Once the fund is spent, that's it for the year. Groups looking for our help would be well advised to get in early. The council will also be encouraging applicants to exhaust other potential revenue resources before making a call on council funds," he said.
The Community Fund would be spread between the three boards on a population basis with the Northern (Te Hiku) Board receiving $95,129 for allocation, Eastern (Bay of Islands/Whangaroa) $135,297 and Western (Kaikohe/Hokianga) $69,284.
Applications to the fund opened on 01 July and full details and application forms are available from council Services Centres or on the council website at