Government promotes tino rangatiratanga
The Minister of Maori Affairs, Dr Pita Sharples, says the government is committed to promoting tino rangatiranga by Maori.
Answering a question in the House this afternoon, Dr Sharples said the right to autonomy, self-expression and self determination underpin his consideration of all issues he is involved in across Government.
“At the highest level, I am focused on supporting Maori to achieve whanau ora, and ensuring the government promotes and protects the exercise of tino rangatiratanga,” said Dr Sharples.
“And ensuring the voice of Maori people is considered and reflected in government decision-making processes is of paramount importance to me as Minister of Maori Affairs,” he said.
“The results are obvious, ranging for my support for community empowerment, through to the very high profile actions I have taken on reviewing the Foreshore and Seabed Act, bringing about a shift in the government position on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and working strenuously to provide for Maori representation on the new Auckland Council.
“These are all examples of me, as Minister, and Government as a whole, promoting and protecting the exercise of tino rangatiratanga by Maori,” said Dr Sharples.