Queens Wharf Revitalisation Competition

Wellington City Council

Wednesday 22 July 2009, 8:02AM

By Wellington City Council



You don't need to be an expert to come up with a great idea for revitalising Queens Wharf. Wellington Waterfront has launched an ideas competition for the Queens Wharf 'Outer-T' and is looking for ideas from everyone and everywhere.

The competition 'BLUE SKY the Outer-T' is looking for ideas - not designs - and asks Wellingtonians to be creative about what to do with the seaward end of Queens Wharf.

Ian Pike, Wellington Waterfront Chief Executive, says the Outer-T is a treasured part of the city's landscape and many people will have a view on what should happen on the site.

He says the competition is the first step towards shaping a master plan for revitalisation of the Queens Wharf precinct. This plan will determine what is to be done to enhance the wharf over the next 10 years. However, he says that in light of the recession, people should be aware that the work on the Outer-T may not take place for several years.

"The wharf needs substantial repairs but first we need to know what will be done with the Outer-T.

"We are looking for ideas from a broad cross-section of Wellington residents - and you certainly don't need to be an architect or an engineer to have your say. The competition is open to anyone enthusiastic about Wellington's waterfront. We want to hear from as many people as possible."

"No idea is too big or too small, and no one should limit their vision, but big ideas often take longer to put in place. 

"More than one idea may be chosen depending on the scale of the proposal, or to provide a short-term solution while we try to fund a long-term big idea."

Entries must be in by 24 August and the winning idea will be selected by a panel of judges including a wide selection of community and city representatives and experts in urban design. An exhibition of the top ideas and themes from the competition will be held.

Under the 2001 Wellington Waterfront Framework document, competition ideas must include protecting public access and the view out to the harbour.

The Outer-T was built in 1865 of hardwood timber piles and beams with a concrete deck. It has had various additions between 1878 and 1898.

Shed 1, on the northern end of the Outer-T, now houses an indoor soccer and netball facility operated by Wellington Indoor Sports. Helipro Helicopters, on the southern end, operates a commercial helicopter business.

Rick Lucas, Chief Executive of Helipro New Zealand, says his company will be entering an idea in the competition in the hope of being able to stay where it is.

‘BLUE SKY the Outer-T' entry forms are available at:

The Wellington Waterfront Project Information Centre, ground floor, Shed 6, Queens Wharf

Wellington regional libraries

The Wellington City Council Information Centre

Or from 'BLUE-SKY the Outer-T' Competition, PO Box 395, Wellington 6140