New active families programme
Sport Manawatu is getting more of the region’s children active and eating well with their new programme Active Families.
Sport Manawatu has launched Green Prescription (GRx) Active Families, a SPARC initiative which gets children to be more active and develop healthy eating habits by involving the whole family.
“It’s about getting kids to think healthy and be active,” says Active Families coordinator, Renae Graham. “As part of the programme, families gain the knowledge that allows them to make choices that are best for their health”.
With the support of their parents and siblings, children can set goals and make lifestyle changes for the better. Families are offered weekly activities classes for fun ways they can be active together. They also learn healthy eating alternatives through cooking classes run with the support of health group Te Mana Whakahaere.
Ms Graham says she can see positive results with the families that are involved so far. “The Toki family is a great example of how to make little changes bit by bit which is a great start to the programme,” she says.
Nine year old, Brett Toki has made excellent progress since starting Active Families. “He has gone from sitting inside for the majority of the day to starting rugby and getting player of the day. He has also made his own veggie garden growing his own silver beet and strawberries. It’s small changes like this that can make big differences to a families health,” says Ms Graham.
Children aged from 5 to 18 can be a part of the GRx Active Families programme. Children and families can be referred by a doctor, practice nurse, paediatrician, dietician, school nurse or community health nurse. Alternatively they can contact Sport Manawatu on 0800 ACTIVE (22 84 83).