Real Estate Agents Authority appointments

Friday 24 July 2009, 9:35AM

By Simon Power


Six members have been appointed to positions on the Real Estate Agents Authority, Justice Minister Simon Power announced today.

They are:

  • John Auld, who is an experienced commercial and property lawyer from New Plymouth.
  • Barrie Barnes, JP, of Auckland, who has had a long involvement in the real estate industry, both in sales and management.
  • Denise Bovaird, of Auckland, who has held senior corporate and consultancy risk management roles for the past 12 years, and who was the President of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2007.
  • Joan Harnett-Kindley, of Wanaka, who is experienced in the operation and administration of real estate businesses.
  • Peter McDermott, of Wellington, who has a background in banking and finance and formerly held senior positions at BNZ and National Australia Bank.
  • David Russell, of Wellington, who played a leading role in the Consumers’ Institute and many other consumer rights organisations for more than 35 years.

The Real Estate Agents Act 2008, which was passed in September last year, significantly reforms the regulation of the real estate industry and focuses on shifting regulatory responsibility away from the industry to independent bodies.

Under it, the Real Estate Agents Authority will replace the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand as the oversight body for the industry. The authority will consist of up to seven members of whom at least two must be licensees or former licensees.

The Real Estate Agents Act 2008 comes fully into effect on 17 November this year.

"I'm confident that the individuals who will take up these appointments have the range of skills, experience, and commitment to contribute very ably to the establishment of this new entity," Mr Power says.

Kristy McDonald, QC, was earlier appointed as chairperson of the authority.