Greens widen parliament’s scrutiny of election financing

Green Party

Friday 27 July 2007, 11:55AM

By Green Party


The Green Party is pleased their calls to expand the political parties able to participate in the parliamentary examination of the Electoral Finance Bill have been heeded by the Government, and that submissions on the legislation will now be heard by an expanded Select Committee, Greens’ Co–Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman has long called for wider representation in the process from across Parliament, to lend greater legitimacy to the outcome.

“The Greens currently hold the balance of power on the Justice and Electoral Select Committee originally scheduled to examine the proposed changes to electoral financing. Nevertheless, we continued to push for a more democratic hearing for this important Bill.

“The wider the ambit of representation on the relevant committee, the better chance we have of gaining an outcome that will have wide cross party support and be fair to all,” Ms Fitzsimons says.