Ministers confirm Northern eating disorders plan

Tony Ryall

Tuesday 28 July 2009, 5:34PM

By Tony Ryall


Health Minister Tony Ryall and Associate Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman today announced the new plan for more inpatient and residential eating disorder services for people in the top half of the North Island.

Mr Ryall said, "Starship Hospital will have five dedicated beds from October for people with eating disorders under the age of 15. And by the middle of next year, a new Auckland-based residential service with up to nine beds should be available for adolescents and adults."

The new services are the result of an extra $26 million from Mental Health Blueprint funding over four years which the Government announced in May for eating disorders nationally.

"The plan is a good example of DHBs working together, with the services being available to patients in District Health Boards from Northland south to Lakes, Taranaki and Tairawhiti DHBs," Mr Ryall said.

Dr Coleman added, "This plan outlines well coordinated mental health services for people with eating disorders, regardless of the type of treatment they may need."

"The addition of a residential treatment facility will provide a home-like environment for patients, where they can spend time with their families."

"I should caution here that patients will continue to be sent to Australia for treatment, when it is appropriate and agreed with the patients, until these new services are fully operational," Dr Coleman said.