Imported onions could leave NZ industry in tears

Green Party

Sunday 2 August 2009, 10:46AM

By Green Party


It is dangerous for the Government to allow fresh onions to be imported from China when they pose a risk of bringing in a range of new diseases and pathogens that could infect a wide range of New Zealand crops, said Green Party MP Sue Kedgley.

Ms Kedgley said she was particularly concerned that several bacteria and 16 fungal pathogens could be present on apparently healthy onions yet not be detected at the border.

She said the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry acknowledged that there were also concerns around what happened to the waste from imported onions, and to risks from people saving onions seeds.

Ms Kedgley has made a submission on an Import Risk Analysis for the importation of fresh onion bulbs from China. Submissions closed on July 31.

“Why would New Zealand allow onions to be imported when they could have devastating consequences for our onion and other horticultural industry, and provide no benefit to New Zealand,” Ms Kedgley said.

NZ growers produce far more onions than can be consumed in New Zealand, and they are available all year round.

“Allowing cheap onions from China into New Zealand would inevitably undermine our onion industry, in the same way that cheap garlic from China decimated our garlic industry. Why would the Government promote policies that will undermine important local industries in New Zealand?

“In the absence of mandatory country of origin labelling of fresh produce in New Zealand, many consumers would not be able to work out whether the onions they buy are from China or New Zealand,” said Ms Kedgley.

Link to Sue Kedgley’s submission

Link to the Biosecurity report