COMMUNITY MAX: Youth work for communities

Monday 3 August 2009, 8:12AM

By Paula Bennett


Young people and their communities will benefit from a new scheme to boost youth work opportunities, says Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett.

Community Max targets unskilled 16 to 24 year olds with low or no qualifications whose chances of getting work are limited. It consists of $40.3 million of funding to support up to 3000 places on community projects for young people.

Minister Bennett says this is a good opportunity for communities to play a part in addressing the serious issue of youth unemployment.

"This is all about providing opportunities - we see this as a very positive approach to addressing youth unemployment while helping fund useful community projects.

"Communities, through local councils, the Mayors Taskforce, iwi, and Pacific groups are being asked to identify regional projects for their young people to work on. I believe this is a win-win situation.

"Work and Income will put aside two Community Max advisors for each region to liaise with organisations to broker projects for young people to work on."

Community Max subsidises a young person's wage at the minimum wage for 30 hours a week for 26 weeks. There is also a training component of up to $1250 for each young person. The programme also provides funding for a project supervisor for every four workers.

Minister Bennett says projects young people could work on could include renovating a marae, or a kohanga reo, tidying up parks or reserves or getting rid of graffiti and tagging.

"This is a completely new programme - times are hard for communities and their young people. This policy will connect young people to the positive work that goes on in our communities.

"There'll be 3000 places available under Community Max and we'll be meeting the full cost of the minimum wage.

"We're looking to all kinds of community groups - including grassroots Maori and Pacific Island groups - to come forward with their ideas."

Community Max will be managed by Work and Income. Organisations can call 0800 778 008 if they would like to take part in the programme. Community Max will finish in December 2010.