Limited Service Volunteer Scheme expanded

Monday 3 August 2009, 8:16AM

By Paula Bennett


More young people will get the unique opportunity to test their physical and mental boundaries under an expansion to the Limited Service Volunteer (LSV) scheme.

The Minister for Social Development and Employment, Paula Bennett, and Associate Defence Minister Heather Roy announced today the Government is boosting the number of places on the scheme, which helps young people at risk of long term unemployment gain the skills and confidence necessary to get a job.

The LSV scheme targets 18 - 25 year olds who are on an Unemployment Benefit. Currently, 720 places are available in five, six-week residential camps held at Burnham each year.

The Government will boost funding by up to $19 million so that an extra 1250 LSV places will become available in each of the 2010 and 2011 calendar years.

It will also establish two new programmes, one in Auckland and the other in the Lower North Island, by January next year.

The programme is designed to improve the self-discipline of participants by building their motivation, initiative and self-confidence.

"The Limited Service Volunteer scheme uses the Defence Force ethos and values to develop effective team members. While LSVs are not trained as soldiers, they come away with a much better understanding of what is required of them in society and there have been many success stories since the scheme began in the 1980s," Mrs Roy says.

Ms Bennett says the scheme offers a range of training including fitness, communication, budgeting and financial skills.

"We want to help maximise the potential of our young people, particularly when the recession is impacting on their opportunities."