Youth Boost for Industry Partnerships

Monday 3 August 2009, 8:17AM

By Paula Bennett


Up to 600 additional job training placements will be created for young people through a new reprioritisation of the Industry Partnership Programme, says Minister for Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett.

Industry Partnerships are formalised relationships with industry which give employees access to industry-specific training, and a chance to build a career for themselves.

"Currently 2400 of 6000 Industry Partnership places are ring-fenced for unemployed 16-24 year olds. The Government is looking to boost that number to 3000. This will create up to 600 new opportunities for our young people," says Ms Bennett.

"This will give young people a real shot of on-the-job training which they might not otherwise have had.

"By reprioritising Industry Partnerships, we're looking past the recession and into growth. We want to help get these young people ready for when the economy improves by giving them a break now.

More information about Industry Partnerships can be found at or by calling Employer Line on 0800 778 008.