Vulnerable youngsters deserve benefit lifeline

Green Party

Tuesday 4 August 2009, 9:00AM

By Green Party


Young people at risk of falling though the cracks deserve support, rather than being used as political footballs in an ideological battle.

John Key's comments about moves to toughen criteria for the Independent Youth Benefit (IYB) for people under 18 as part of the new youth jobs package are concerning, Green Party Social Development Spokesperson Sue Bradford said today.

“The IYB is available as a payment of last resort for 16 and 17-year-olds who have no means of support from their family - usually because of family breakdown - or from employment.

“This morning on Radio New Zealand, Mr Key spoke of his intentions to restrict access to the IYB, while still allowing it for “exceptional circumstances”. As this benefit is specifically designed for people with exceptional circumstances, I call on Mr Key to clarify his position.

“The Green Party believes it is critical that the allowance remains as it is. The IYB is often the only way young people in quite desperate circumstances can access state support without turning to begging, crime or prostitution,” Ms Bradford said.

“It is already very difficult for young people to access the Independent Youth Benefit. The latest figures available on the Ministry of Social Development website show that 1,294 people were on IYB in 2007.

“This issue is of such critical importance to the lives of vulnerable young people that Mr Key and Minister Paula Bennett need to clarify exactly what their intentions are and what “exceptional circumstances” would still allow desperate young people to get the support they need,” Ms Bradford said.

“We welcome the Government's newly announced youth jobs package and the priority National is placing in ensuring as many young people as possible are in work, education, training or employment. But it is unlikely the new programme will ever ensure that all 16 and 17-year-olds will be covered, especially with high and rising unemployment.

“In regards to another aspect of the new scheme, the extension of the LSV (Limited Service Volunteers) programme, the Green Party also seeks confirmation from the Government that this scheme will not be made compulsory for unemployed young people aged 18 - 24.

“The LSV scheme works well for those who genuinely volunteer for it.

“However, when young people are forced on to the scheme against their will, as has happened on occasion in the past, they can see themselves as being sent to a form of youth justice boot camp, without having committed any crime except that of being unemployed.”

Eligibility criteria for the Independent Youth Benefit:
Prime Minister Key’s comments on Morning Report: