Job Ops flow on day one

Wednesday 5 August 2009, 8:52AM

By Paula Bennett


Employers are offering up job opportunities for young people as a result of the Government's new youth employment package, the Minister of Social Development and Employment Paula Bennett has announced.

The package was unveiled at the National Party annual conference just two days ago.

"Thanks to the new $5,000 Job Ops subsidy to employ a young person for six months, two young people have already started earning a wage today. In fact, they were offered jobs on the first afternoon Work and Income started taking employers' calls," Ms Bennett says.

A 17 year old youth who has been jobless since February began work today at a Dunedin factory. A 23 year old woman, who has been on the Unemployment Benefit since May, also starts today as a Café Assistant in the Waikato as a result of Job Ops.

"I'm pleased at the interest from employers so far, with more than 50 inquiries to Work and Income's employer line about the youth package.

"There were 19 vacancies lodged yesterday for Job Ops for a range of jobs across the country. All the jobs will provide valuable skills and experience for young people.

"Work and Income has also had registrations of interest from three organisations wanting to participate in Community Max. Under Community Max, communities can identify regional projects for their young people to work on.

"It's early days, but it is hugely encouraging to see New Zealand employers and communities taking up the challenge with government to get as many young Kiwis as possible into jobs," says Ms Bennett.