Employers make the best trainers!

Auckland Chamber of Commerce

Wednesday 5 August 2009, 9:03AM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce



There is plenty of evidence confirming that learning on the job is more likely to motivate and engage younger unqualified workers than sitting in a class room or drawing a benefit, says Auckland Chamber head Michael Barnett. 

“Employers make the best trainers for youth. They provide an environment that enables a young person to learn practical skills and gain the confidence to participate in the workforce.”

Older workers won’t be displaced by the scheme, predicted Mr Barnett. “As the population ages, there will be an increasing number of older workers leaving the workforce. What we must ensure is that this scheme becomes a vital resource for addressing acute skill shortages of the future,” he said.

He applauded the scheme as a supportive, positive initiative giving young people another option for becoming contributing members of society, and he rejected criticism of the Government’s youth initiative as an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff and likely to displace older workers.