Kids tell drivers to slow down near schools

Franklin District Council

Monday 10 August 2009, 3:04PM

By Franklin District Council



Franklin District Council is working with NZ Police to run a speed awareness campaign, with the major focus around speed near schools.

Rural and urban schools throughout Franklin will be targeted over this third school term, with Police pulling over drivers who are speeding near schools. Instead of getting an infringement notice, school children on ‘duty’ with Police read out a statement around the dangers of speed and why it is important to keep to the speed limit.

Franklin District Council Road Safety Coordinator Monique Haines says the ‘Algebra’ campaign has certainly raised awareness within the community.

“Children are the focal point of this campaign – and that’s why they take centre stage. The reaction we’ve had from drivers has been extremely positive. They are eager to listen to the children, and most jump out of their vehicles to make it easier for the children to speak to them.”

“The main message we aim to convey is that children are very unpredictable and for the safety of our children within Franklin, please slow down. As a driver you must ensure that you modify your speed for the conditions and slow down near schools.”

Primary schools participating in the campaign include Mauku, Valley, Kaiaua, Harrisville and potentially Patumahoe and Tuakau.

Police have zero tolerance for speeding past a school and also for drivers exceeding 20km hour when passing a stopped school bus. The speed limit for each school in Franklin is well signposted and varies due to location.

Algebra is a joint campaign with Counties Manukau Police, Manukau City Council and Papakura District Council.