Studious obedient and naïve on emission reductions

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Tuesday 11 August 2009, 8:59AM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


The Government’s plan to meet its 2020 target by increasing forestry sinks and the purchase of emission reduction units may help meet existing international commitments, but the Federation remains concerned about the impact on farming and the wider economy

“I’ve digested the announcement only after taking my ‘unreality pill.’ All I see is a tax and a target and no substantial research investment,” says Don Nicolson, President of Federated Farmers.

“It’s unsurprising that a vast majority of farmers don’t buy into the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) or reduction targets. Farmers see New Zealand proposing to jump through hoops that farmers in other countries are dodging.

“Australia has parked the question of what to do with its agricultural sector while the European Union (EU), surprise, surprise, isn’t including agricultural emissions in its ETS.

“Denmark backed down on imposing a price of carbon on its farming sector, which makes it more than ironic, given Copenhagen will be the next big international emissions agreement.

“Canada gave up on Kyoto several years ago while the Democratic controlled United States Congress, is not just avoiding a price of carbon on farming, but is planning substantial offset opportunities under its Waxman-Markey legislation.

“New Zealand farmers just shake their heads in disbelief and ask, where’s reality?

“They see targets being plucked out of thin air with New Zealand acting like a trained performing seal. We’re performing a role based upon an illusion of our country’s ‘clean green’ reputation. None of this is grounded in science or efficient resource use. It’s about gesture.

“It’s inconceivable subsidised farmers in developed nations will not receive additional support to cover their climate costs too. That places kiwi farmers at a double-disadvantage unless Copenhagen negotiates all subsidies away.

“At least the Government seems to have listened to part of our message. We welcome the Government seeing the forest for the trees and being prepared to buy emission units from the cheapest source.

“Federated Farmers needs urgent clarity on what this means for farmers and farming.

“Federated Farmers position remains that farm animals should not be in any emissions response. It’s a position shared by the EU, Denmark and the United States but not studious obedient and naïve New Zealand.

“The simple truth is that New Zealand doesn’t produce 99.8 percent of global emissions and that means the world’s gaze is not upon us,” Mr Nicolson concluded.