Support Youth Day give em an opportunity!

Thursday 13 August 2009, 9:04AM

By Paula Bennett


Got a job for a young person? How about a project in your community that could involve some keen young workers?

Today marks International Youth Day and Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett says it's the perfect chance to come forward with opportunities for young people.

"Two weeks ago we launched our Youth Opportunities Package, which has nearly 17,000 places for people aged between 16 and 24.

"What's needed now is for employers to come forward with those entry-level positions for Job Ops. We want to give our young people the chance to work for 6 months, gaining great work experience in the process. Employers benefit too, because the young worker's wages will be subsidised.

"There's the chance for towns and neighbourhoods to benefit through the Community Max scheme. We'll provide the training, supervision and the wage for the young person to work on a project in your community. All you need to do is create that opportunity. It could be anything from building fences to work on the marae.

"Community Max is a way for young people to reconnect with their home turf, it gives them work experience, a wage and a sense of pride. And the community benefits from the work they're doing," Ms Bennett says.

Job Ops and Community Max are just two initiatives included in the overall Youth Opportunities Package.

To find out more, employers or community groups can ring Work and Income on 0800 778 008.

"International Youth Day is there to support and celebrate our young people. Why not demonstrate that support by looking at opportunities for the under-24s in your community?"