National Standards to build on maths achievement

Thursday 13 August 2009, 2:11PM

By Anne Tolley


National Standards in mathematics will build on the progress and achievement highlighted in the 2008 Numeracy Research and Evaluation reports, Education Minister Anne Tolley said when launching the reports today.

"I am delighted with the difference the Numeracy Development Projects are making for the teachers and students involved,” said Mrs Tolley.

The evaluation shows that in 2008, students improved their performance and progress in mathematics when their teachers had been involved in the Numeracy Development Projects and continued to focus on numeracy.

"National Standards, to be implemented in all English-medium primary and intermediate schools next year, will mean even bigger improvements,” said Mrs Tolley.

"National Standards aim to lift achievement for all students through the sound use of assessment data, early intervention for students who are having difficulty and plain language reporting to families and whnau.

"I congratulate all the schools and students involved in the Numeracy Development Projects, and look forward to seeing even better results.”

National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics will be introduced in 2010.

The reports are available online at: