Minister of Health Will Not Disclose Ingredients of "Swine Flu" Vaccine

Clare Swinney

Thursday 13 August 2009, 10:31PM

By Clare Swinney


The Minister of Health, the Hon Tony Ryall has answered a number of questions posed regarding the 300,000 doses of the swine flu vaccine ordered by the New Zealand government, but states that he will not disclose the contents of the vaccine until it has been approved by Medsafe.

The questions were sent to his Office via e-mail on the 31st of July - before it had been reported that Baxter International Inc. would be supplying the vaccines, [1]. His reply, which can be viewed in its entirety via the link here, came in an e-mail dated the 13th of August.  

Below are the questions and his answers, in conjunction with a number of points related to his statements.

Q. It was mentioned in the media on the 6th of July that the New Zealand Government had ordered 300,000 doses of the “swine flu” vaccine, [2]. Could you please advise which company or companies these doses were ordered from?

Hon Tony Ryall: “Baxter Healthcare International will be providing the 300,000 doses, enough for 150,000 people, of Swine Flu vaccine to New Zealand. The doses are being viewed as an insurance policy to ensure New Zealand has access to protection should it be necessary. The Government has the option to access more Swine Flu vaccine through a long-standing supply agreement with Australian vaccine maker, CSL, should it be necessary.”

As well as reports that the neurotoxin, mercury and live viruses may be in some "swine flu" vaccines, it has also come to light that some vaccine manufacturers will be including a kind of oil called squalene, which has been shown to cause devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.  The Minister was asked if the vaccine the Government had ordered would contain any of these. He replied:

“If and when the vaccine is approved, the contents of the vaccine will be made public. No information will be available before that time.”

Q. “Will the vaccine material be tested thoroughly before being administered to New Zealanders? How long will it be tested for? Do you regard the time allotted for testing as sufficient given that in the past, when vaccines have been administered for the “swine flu,” they caused more illness than the alleged disease itself? [3].

Hon Tony Ryall: “At this stage the Baxter vaccine will need to be proven and licensed before it can be used in New Zealand, and no vaccine will be offered to any New Zealanders until this has occurred. The vaccine will be assessed by Medsafe, New Zealand’s medicines regulatory authority. Medsafe clinical experts will review data from clinical trials to determine the vaccine’s quality, safety and effectiveness and make a recommendation to me as Minister about the use of the vaccine in this country.”

While Medsafe maintains that it protects the New Zealand consumer, this is not true. In recent years it has threatened companies that make or distribute natural health products and although scientific evidence shows that the artificial sweetener, aspartame is dangerous, Medsafe approved 124 medicines containing aspartame, including 81 which can be used by children. The artificial sweetener, which is also known as 951, has been linked to numerous adverse reactions. Read more.

In addition, Medsafe has stated Gardasil is safe, although there is evidence that shows otherwise. Wrote Dr Joseph Mercola, who operates a popular health-related website: “Once you educate yourself and know the facts about Gardasil, the truth about HPV, and the statistics of cervical cancer, it will become quite clear just how outrageously useless — and dangerous — this vaccine really is.” Read more.

Q. “Does the New Zealand Government intend to comply with the United Nations Treaty Level 6 Pandemic rules and force members of the public to take the “swine flu” vaccine against their wills?”

Hon Tony Ryall: “There are no plans to make vaccination or any other medical treatment for Swine Flu compulsory.”

The Minister’s reply can be viewed in its entirety here.


[1] New Zealand Swine Flu Vaccine Supplier To Be Baxter, The Company Caught Distributing Live Avian Flu Virus

[2] NZ Government Imports 300,000 Doses Of Swine Flu Vaccine

[3] 60 Minutes Show From 1979 Reveals “Swine” Flu Vaccine Caused More Damage Than Flu Itself


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