Future of Bledisloe Park Mapped Out

Franklin District Council

Friday 14 August 2009, 11:29AM

By Franklin District Council



The blueprint for the development of Bledisloe Park for the next ten years has now been approved by Franklin District Council.

The Bledisloe Park Reserve Management Plan covers all aspects of this central Pukekohe park’s future, from the day-to-day management to proposed developments.

Franklin District Council GM Community Facilities Ian Alexander says that a theme apparent through the submissions on the draft plan was the need to balance sporting and general public use.

“Submitters placed a high value on Bledisloe Park for general park use, such as the playground, for walking and as a dog exercise area. This park has a very high level of use for sport as well, so the plan balances the needs of all users of the park. Thank you to those who took the time to submit, and attend the hearing.”

The plan covers all aspects of the 12 hectare park, including sport fields, green spaces, the playground, clubrooms, netball courts and facilities and the Jubilee Pool.

Provisions for a new multi-purpose clubroom, which in time will replace the existing soccer and cricket clubrooms, has also been included in the plan. The sports fields will also be reconfigured and upgraded, which would increase access for more users.

The plan also includes a proposal to extend the walkway around the park, improve access into the park from the surrounding roads and enhance the green spaces. It includes the protection and preservation of a significant stand of totara trees, and for more street angle parking to also be investigated.

Timeline - Year

  • Field realignment and upgrade 2010/11, 11/12
  • Installation of new training lights (in conjunction with soccer & cricket clubs) 2011/12
  • Expansion of playground 2009/10
  • Development of car parking 2014/15
  • Upgrade areas around Jubliee Pool and access from Bledisloe Court
  • to provide better views and improve safety for users 2010/11 onwards

The public can view the Bledisloe Park Reserve Management Plan at Franklin District Council Service Centres or at