Mayor to share experiences across the ditch

Thames Coromandel District Council

Wednesday 19 August 2009, 8:07AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Thames-Coromandel District Mayor Philippa Barriball will address around 500 local government officials in Australia this weekend.


The mayor will be one of the main speakers at the Local Government Association of Queensland’s annual conference in Brisbane. Her airfare and accommodation, and any expenses for the trip, are being met by the conference organisers. There is no cost to TCDC.


Although it was offered, Ms Barriball declined the business class airfare, opting to travel economy. She also declined the host’s offer of three nights paid accommodation and meals, instead choosing to stay with a family member.


In her address, Ms Barriball will discuss her experiences as an elected district Councillor both prior to and after New Zealand’s local government reforms in 2002. Previous speakers at the conference have included Christchurch mayor, Bob Parker.


“They seem to look specifically for practitioners – those people who are actually on-the-ground, doing the job rather than academics or experts in the sector,” Ms Barriball said.


“I’m happy to do it and it’s a really good chance to plug the Coromandel as a fantastic tourism destination while I’m there.”


Ms Barriball will take some private leave in Australia prior to the conference. She will return the day after her address, next Wednesday.