Childrens Commissioner reappointed

Thursday 20 August 2009, 8:27AM

By Paula Bennett


Social Development and Employment Minister Paula Bennett has confirmed Dr John Angus in the role of Children's Commissioner through to December 2010.

Dr Angus was originially appointed for six months in May 2009, replacing previous Commissioner Dr Cindy Kiro.

Ms Bennett says Dr Angus has fitted in well as Commissioner and is willing to serve for another 13 months.

"Reappointing Dr Angus will enable the consultation on the strategic direction of the Commissioner's Office to be completed, before a longer term appointment is made," Ms Bennett says.

"It will also allow Dr Angus to complete work on a number of priorities he and I have identified for his Office."

Ms Bennett adds while the Commissioner's Office is looking at ways in which it can work more closely with the Families Commission - including shared office accommodation and other administrative efficiencies - there are no plans to change the Office's status as a separate independent Crown entity.