Govt streamlines trans-Tasman travel, toughens biosecurity infringement fines

David Carter

Thursday 20 August 2009, 4:06PM

By David Carter


Biosecurity Minister David Carter today confirmed details of improvements to biosecurity screening, aimed at making trans-Tasman travel faster and easier.

Changes include a new express arrivals lane for travellers identified as low biosecurity risk, a pilot of assessing/x-raying bags during flight time to allow quicker processing on arrival for passengers not carrying risk goods, and an increase in the instant biosecurity infringement fine, from $200 to $400.

"These measures demonstrate the Government's commitment to streamlining trans-Tasman travel, while enhancing our world class biosecurity system", Mr Carter says.

Trans-Tasman travellers arriving in New Zealand airports will notice visible changes to biosecurity screening by the end of March 2010.

"MAF Biosecurity New Zealand (MAFBNZ) is refocusing the way it manages the risks posed by international travellers at New Zealand airports to a more targeted approach," Mr Carter says.

"This will improve biosecurity protection by enabling MAFBNZ to more efficiently and effectively manage risks posed by international travellers.

"The new approach will enable compliant travellers to exit the airport quicker, while targeting people who bring in undeclared risk goods and toughening up on those who fail to declare biosecurity risk items."

Research undertaken by MAFBNZ shows that not all bags pose an equal level of biosecurity risk, with the majority presenting little or no risk and only 4% containing risk goods.

A greater use of data collection and assessment will help MAFBNZ understand the risks posed by particular groups of travellers and ensure resources and effort are targeted at the highest risk passengers.