Two teenagers injured in motorbike accident

Monday 24 August 2009, 8:24AM

By Westpac Rescue Helicopter



The Wellington-based Westpac Rescue Helicopter transported two teenage girls after a motorbike accident near Kekerengu earlier today.

The helicopter, with a Wellington Free Ambulance paramedic onboard, was called to the accident on farmland just south of Kekerengu around 8:30 this morning.

On our arrival the helicopter crew found police, fire and road ambulance staff caring for two female patients - one 14 year old and one 15 year old, both residents of Marlborough. The pair were on a motorbike which went over a bank - approximately ten metres horizontally and then a six metre drop onto rocks on a stream bed.

"The girls were extremely lucky to survive the initial fall" says Dave Greenberg, Westpac Rescue Helicopter crewman. "They travelled quite a distance and then ended up on rocks across the stream from the side they started on".

Both teenagers were initially knocked out and do not remember exactly what happened.

They were both transported to Wellington Hospital Emergency Department suffering from multiple injuries to their arms and legs.

"It is quite amazing they were not more seriously injured, especially considering they were not wearing helmets" says Greenberg. "It seems they were just going for a bit of a ride when they lost control and ended up going over the bank".

Both teens are being treated in Wellington Hospital.