Dont stuff up the referendum meat and wool farmers urged

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Thursday 27 August 2009, 2:26PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


While the $9 million ‘smacking referendum’ engendered a lot of coverage, Meat & Wool’s levy referendum, of far greater economic importance to New Zealand, has a current turnout of only 33 percent and closes this Friday.


“I will be deeply unhappy if the ‘smacking referendum’ ends up with a much bigger turnout than the meat and wool industry’s own levy referendum,” says Bruce Wills, Federated Farmers Meat & Fibre chairperson.


“The Federation will never tell farmers which way to vote as we are not the thought police. We honestly believe farmers have the facts before them and the final decision is rightly theirs to make.


“That said, there are some 14,000 ballot papers sitting in utes or on that ubiquitous pile of paperwork.


“It is the absolute responsibility of each and every farmer to vote because what message does not voting send about our industry’s vitality?


“People want to be on the winning team and not voting only sends the wrong messages. I really don’t care which way farmers vote, as long as they vote because this referendum is also one on the health of our industry.


“Speaking as a farmer and not as Meat & Fibre chairperson voting could not have been simpler. Voting actually takes less time than making a cup of tea.


“Given the referendum closes 2pm on Friday, the online option is now the most realistic route to use.


“To vote online, all farmers need is their Meat & Wool ballot paper and a computer. It’s then just a case of logging on via, entering your personalised PIN, password and voting.


“To paraphrase former US president, Lyndon B Johnson, “a farmer without a vote is a farmer without protection.” Vote and vote now, Mr Wills urged.