Fish & Game kidding itself over attempt at licence fee increase

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Thursday 3 September 2009, 5:24PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand


Federated Farmers applauds Associate Minister of Conservation, the Hon Kate Wilkinson’s decision to block Fish and Game New Zealand from increasing its license fee.


“With fishing licences costing more than $100, the price of enjoying the great outdoors is indeed high enough,” says Donald Aubrey, Federated Farmers game and pest management spokesperson.


“It is refreshing to have a Minister that is prepared to stand up to this statutory organisation and demand a higher standard of performance.


“Over the years, we have seen Fish & Game undertake some reckless spending at the national level so I’m not surprised it is in need of further funding. I am only too happy that the Government has blocked its proposal to increase its licence fee from $105 to $109 for the 2009-10 season.


“Even though Fish & Game’s national office was in possession of Crown law advice to the contrary, the hunting lobby still went ahead with its unsuccessful challenge to high country farmers’ exclusive possession of pastoral leasehold land. This is a sure sign of how irresponsible Fish & Game has become.


“This failed attempt to by-pass all the work associated with walking access in the high country was a spiteful and damaging waste of the fishing and hunting license fee.


“Federated Farmers has been contacted by distraught licence holders who have also rammed this point home. They are baffled by the actions of Fish & Game’s national office.


“The Federation has been urging Government for some time to take a close look at the legislative privilege that enables Fish & Game to waste money on frivolous litigation.


“Even worse is the excessive population of introduced Canada Geese, which is seriously impacting agriculture, waterways and waterfowl due to Fish & Game’s reluctance to control the pest.


“Fish & Game has obviously failed its statutory obligation to manage this pest and its policy of inaction has succeeded in spreading them to all parts of the country.


“Instead of spending enough money on controlling the Canada Goose population, Fish & Game has wasted an extensive amount on anti-farming campaigns that have benefited neither its members nor the people of New Zealand


“Fish and Game may think its statutory powers give it a licence to print money – but I can assure you this is not the case.


“In fact, given the significant level of reserves it holds thanks to licence holders, it has no excuse when the work it has been asked to do, such as culling Canada Geese, has not been done,” Mr Aubrey concluded.