Fisheries 2030 goal and action plan released

Wednesday 16 September 2009, 8:06AM

By Phil Heatley


Fisheries Minister Phil Heatley today released Fisheries 2030, a goal and plan of action for future management of the country’s fisheries.

The goal is: New Zealanders maximising benefits from the use of fisheries within environmental limits.

“This is the plan by which the government aims to enable the sector to make a significantly greater but sustainable contribution to the New Zealand economy,” Mr Heatley said.

A good example of the industry’s potential is the aquaculture sector, which has the aspirational goal of becoming a $1 billion industry by 2025.

“We are starting from a solid platform,” Mr Heatley said.

“Recent international research places us in the top two marine areas in the world in terms of the way our fisheries are managed. However, there is much to be done. Fisheries 2030 outlines a range of initiatives that will help drive us into a sustainable future.”

The plan brings existing and future work programmes together, providing overall direction and enabling the government and the fisheries sector to improve productivity and achieve better fisheries management.

“A framework like this is important for the guidance it provides everyone with an interest in the fisheries sector to make decisions for the future,” Mr Heatley said.

The government and the Ministry of Fisheries will continue to talk to commercial, recreational and customary fishers, environmental groups and marine farmers as the plan is implemented.

“Our precious fisheries resources have the potential to add value in many ways. Fisheries 2030 will play a role in delivering balance between economic development and sustainability,” Mr Heatley said.


For the Fisheries 2030 document and the accompanying Cabinet paper, see

For more information on the recent international research, see