Drop The Rate, Mate! Campaign Stands Behind IT Minister's MTR Decision Process

Thursday 17 September 2009, 11:19AM

By Benedict James Wee


Credit: Drop The Rate Mate Campaign

Matthew Hooton, spokesperson for the Drop the Rate, Mate! campaign has commended Steven Joyce's (Communication and Information Technology Minister) decision to reject commercial offers on mobile termination rates from telco duopoly Vodafone and Telecom and will instead wait for the Commerce Commission to make a recommendation before making a decision.

"My Joyce's anouncement last week indicates he has made a commitment to following the proper process, and that is to be welcomed," said Hooton, "His announcement creates a great deal of confidence that the current process will lead to New Zealand's market rules being brought into line with international best practice, brining more competition and lower prices for consumers."

New Zealand has one of the highest call/text/data rates in the world and lacks an "unlimited" plan option despite selling mobiles at a high price. A good example is Vodafone's attempt to charge NZ$250 a month on a 2-year contract for the Apple iPhone 3G last year. The plan was eventually made cheaper due in part to mass public protest.