Alliance congratulates Sue Bradford on parliamentary career of integrity

Saturday 26 September 2009, 9:13AM

By Alliance Party


Alliance Party co leader Kay Murray says the New Zealand political scene will be poorer now that Sue Bradford has announced she is to resign from parliament.

"In an era of populist politicians who appear to stand for nothing and whose main aim seems to be simply to get themselves elected, Sue stood out as a politician with integrity."

Ms Murray says Sue Bradford was someone who wanted to make New Zealand more equitable society and a better place for everyone.

"She was prepared to champion causes that were right and just in the full knowledge that they would do her personal political career no good at all and make her deeply unpopular amongst certain sectors of the community. Even those who disagreed with her stance had to admire her courage and tenacity."

Ms Murray says Sue Bradford was a formidable battler for the underdog - beneficiaries, those on low wages, and children. Her voice on social issues will be greatly missed.

"New Zealand sorely needs more politicians of Sue’s calibre."

The Alliance Party wishes Sue well for the next chapter of her public life but hopes that she will not be lost to politics altogether.