Rodney District Councils back alley deal

Federated Farmers of New Zealand

Monday 28 September 2009, 12:40PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Rodney District Council deceived its constituents this week by brokering a behind closed doors deal with the Environmental Defence Society.


The deal, revealed publicly last week at a meeting in Helensville, resulted in the implementation of a new west coast rural policy area into council’s district plan in exchange for the society’s withdrawal of an Environment Court appeal of the plan.


“I am absolutely horrified council went behind farmers’ backs in agreeing to draw up this damaging plan change. Clearly the move ignores the interests of the district’s agricultural sector,” says Richard Gardner, Federated Farmers senior policy advisor.


“The plan change requires farmers to obtain resource consents for new farm buildings and certain types of fencing. It also introduces more stringent rules for earthworks, wetland modification and tree and bush removal.


“The fact there was no prior consultation with affected land owners is an absolute disgrace. It seems only the regional council and iwi were aware of the contents of the plan change before it was publicly notified.


“Federated Farmers has now received legal advice confirming the deal reached with the society is tarnished in the eyes of the law. It is understood council’s actions will clearly constrain the way it can respond to public input on the proposal. That’s plainly unacceptable and the council has acted ultra vires.


“The Resource Management Act sets out a stringently clear process that councils must follow to progress a plan change. The Rodney District Council’s move to pre-determine the outcome of that process is not only unacceptable but against the law.


“Apart from the fact council acted outside of the law, Federated Farmers believes the plan change will stifle Rodney’s farming sector. The rules protecting the Rodney district’s environment are already among the most stringent in the country.


“Parliament has only just passed legislation prohibiting general tree protection rules in urban areas, yet council is now introducing restrictions to give trees in rural areas even more protection.


“I call on Rodney District Council to withdraw the plan change immediately. It must engage meaningfully with its rural community to address concerns over the district’s west coast,” Mr Gardner concluded.


A public meeting to discuss the plan change will be held at the Helensville War Memorial Hall on Monday, 5 October at 7:30pm.