Community art at new Stadium site

Dunedin City Council

Thursday 1 October 2009, 10:47AM

By Dunedin City Council



Keep Dunedin Beautiful’s application for resource consent for a community art project on the fence surrounding the Forsyth Barr Stadium at University Plaza construction site on Anzac Avenue has been approved.

Darlene Thomson, Keep Dunedin Beautiful Co-ordinator, says individuals, groups or schools are now invited to apply for approval to paint a mural on a panel/s on the fence.

“We encourage the community to get involved and get painting. The stadium project is going to be the biggest show in town over the next 24 months and both national and international news media will be keeping their eye on the stadium’s progress, so this represents a once in a lifetime opportunity for individuals and groups to make a contribution that will be seen by thousands.”

The murals will most likely remain for the duration of the stadium construction, planned for completion in August 2011. If there is a high level of interest, completed panels may be painted over after a period of time and made available for fresh work.

“We are looking forward to some vibrant, creative input from the community,” says Ms Thomson.

Stadium Trust Chairman, Malcolm Farry, says he is pleased that community artists will have the opportunity to apply their creative talents in a visible location.

“The Forsyth Barr Stadium is a community project and we are delighted by the prospect of Keep Dunedin Beautiful and community groups creating artwork on the perimeter fence,” says Mr Farry.

Interested parties can find out more information, including the rules for artists and how to register, on the Dunedin City Council website