Greens reveal Govt wants to mine in Fiordland

Green Party

Sunday 4 October 2009, 12:59PM

By Green Party


Government papers obtained by the Green Party show that the Government is considering allowing oil exploration in Fiordland National Park, as well as mining for gold, coal and other minerals in Kahurangi and Paparoa National Parks as part of its ‘stock-take’ of our highest quality conservation lands for mining.

“The Government’s so-called stock-take of mining potential in our highest quality conservation areas has been outed. They already know what they want, and they’re preparing to steal it from the public,” says Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.

On 15 September, Minister Brownlee said in Parliament, “The Government has not said that we are going to mine in national parks. We have said that we are going to take stock of some of the land that is currently in schedule 4 that has low conservation value.”

“Far from not wanting to mine in National Parks and only being interested in 'low value' areas,” Mrs Turei said, “the officials’ advice shows they are keen to mine our most precious Parks.”

The Green Party has obtained advice from the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) and Department of Conservation officials under the Official Information Act. The advice says: ‘MED considers that conservation land within the Coromandel Peninsula (precious metals), Kahurangi (precious and base metals), Waitutu (petroleum) and eastern Paparoa (coal) to be worthy of inclusion in such a review’.

It is also known that L&M Petroleum has an interest in drilling for oil in Waitutu. Waitutu is in the south of Fiordland National Park.

“Fiordland National Park is our most iconic National Park. The Park’s fjords, forests and wildlife are the backbone of our 100% Pure tourism brand, and provide over $200 million in annual income,” said Mrs Turei.

“Considering mining in Fiordland is a national disgrace.”

"The Conservation Minister will not even rule out considering Milford Sound - New Zealand's tourism hot-spot - in the stocktake when I asked him. It's outrageous."

“Fiordland National Park's Waitutu area is cloaked in unique and pristine native forest that is home to endangered birds like kiwi and kaka,” said Mrs Turei.

“It has immense significance for Maori, containing many historic and sacred sites. A special Act of Parliament requires the Crown to protect the area.”

“It’s much-loved by tourists and trampers and history buffs, and the famous ‘Hump Ridge Track’ has been a massive boost to the local economy.”

Waitutu’s settler and pioneer relics include the world’s largest surviving wooden viaduct at 125m long, which was recently restored.

"Waitutu is a living, breathing natural and historical heritage museum and engine of tourism," said Mrs Turei. " Why would we trade that in for polluting oil?"

A report on the value of Fiordland National Park found that it contributed $228 million to New Zealand in 2005. And a World Bank report cited by the Government to justify consideration of mining in National Parks actually shows that just 3% of our natural wealth is in minerals, whereas 29% is in our protected areas and forests.

“The Government’s ideology for destructive mining is blinding it to the economic facts,” said Mrs Turei. "Mining National Parks is neither blue, green nor Bluegreen - it's just plain dirty, destructive and desperate."

The Green Party petition to save New Zealand’s treasured places from mining has been described by volunteers as ‘signing itself’. “The New Zealand public is alarmed at this mining madness, and will not stand idly by,” said Mrs Turei.

The value of Fiordland NP:

Information on Waitutu:

The Waitutu Block Settlement Act 1997:

L&M Petroleum’s Waitutu interest (with map):